Community notice
Vaccination Station at Ekuphumleni Community Hall (opposite the clinic)
Monday 12 July 09:00 – 15:30
Vaccination Station at Kenton Town Hall
Tuesday 13 July 09:00 – 15:30
Two vaccination stations will be set-up by the Department of Health, with the assistance of Coastal Kindness next week.
Anyone, 50 years and older, who is registered on the EVDS may attend. Please expect to queue for a while.
Bring your ID, Drivers Licence or Passport plus your Medical Aid Card if you have one. You may also want to bring a drink and snack with you – an umbrella to shade you from the sun is probably a good idea too.
Coastal Kindness would like to thank Herotel Igen, especially Shaun MacTaggart, Area Manager, for generously supplying WiFi connectivity to the vaccination station. A big thank you to Rotary for their support and of course all the amazing Coastal Kindness Volunteers.