It’s that time of the year again

by | Oct 22, 2021 | Blog, Newsletters

Yes, it’s that time of year again! Time to start planning for the Christmas Holidays – preparing for Kenton to fill up – stocking freezers – making sure water tanks are full – spring cleaning spare rooms ready for visitors.

And, as COVID starts to ease off a little we are hopeful for a busy “season”. Hopeful that our overseas families will be able to visit – hopeful that business can start to recoup some of their losses and hopeful that our town will be safe and secure.

So how are we ALL going to make sure we are safe and secure?

  • KOSRA understands our local police service is inadequate for the area’s population density. We need more policemen and women to effectively serve our community. We have therefore written to the Community Police Forum to complain and urge them to re-evaluate our situation.

  • YOU can help make sure we are safe and secure by reporting all crimes, no matter how minor, then all cases will be accurately reflected in the statistics, this will help to support KOSRA’s case! The more active cases the bigger the workload – the more police personnel allocated!

  • YOU can also support KOSRA’s SEASONAL SECURITY INITIATIVE which pays for 24 hour security patrols in and around Kenton over the December festive season.

  • HOLIDAY TENANTS will be asked to contribute to the festive season security patrols by paying an optional security levy along with their rental.

  • BUSINESSES who benefit from a secure environment in which to operate are also asked to acknowledge this initiative and support it financially.

Four easy options to help secure a safe place to live and visit

  • Annual payment for Membership Fees (2021-22) and Security Initiative = R3 000.00
  • Annual Membership Fee = R600
  • Monthly debit order for Security Initiative = R200 per month
  • Holiday Tenants Levy = R250 per week

Payment options:

  • Online payments are done securely by PayFast
  • OR If you prefer a bank transfer, scroll to the bottom of this post for bank details (bank details also available on the invoices)

R 3000 for 2021-22

Annual payment for membership fees
(2021-22) and security initiative

* Name + Surname
* KOS address
(number and street name only)

R 600 for 2021-22

Annual Membership Fee

* Name + Surname
* KOS address
(number and street name only)

R 200 per month

Monthly debit order for KOSRA membership fees (2021-22) and security initiative

12 payments

* Name + Surname
* KOS address
(number and street name only)

R 250 per week

Holiday Tenants Levy

* Number of weeks you're staying
* Name + Surname
* KOS address
(number and street name only)

Bank details:

Bank:  Standard Bank
Account number:  28‐394‐816‐7
Account Name:  Kenton Ratepayers Association
Branch:  Port Alfred
Branch code: N/A
Reference: Kenton street address and surname
Email proof of payment to


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