Recycling in Kenton and surrounding area – please join us

by | Sep 9, 2020 | temp

In order to make recycling feasible/economically worthwhile, we need more people (everyone) to recycle.

Why recycle?

There are many reasons to recycle; in fact they are all positive. There are no disadvantages to recycling. The advantages of recycling are:

  • Diverts waste away from landfills thereby prolonging the lifespan of landfill sites.
  • Reduces litter and pollution, especially water pollution.
  • Helps decrease greenhouse gases that contribute to global warming and climate change.
  • Decreases the depletion of our natural resources (timber, water and minerals), thereby conserving them.
  • Saves energy.
  • Creates sustainable job opportunities and grows the economy (increases economic security).
  • Protects wildlife.
  • Recycled materials generally cost less. Products made from these are less expensive.

Some relevant facts

  • Garbage and decomposition times (these figures come from authoritative sources, and are best-guess estimates – no one has been around for 1 million years to prove that this is the time required for glass bottles to disintegrate!).
    • Paper towel (2–4 weeks)
    • Orange peel (2–5 weeks);Paper towel (2–4 weeks)
    • Cotton cloth/rag (1–5 months)
    • Milk carton (3 months)
    • Aluminium can (80–200 years)
    • Plastic bottle (450 years)
    • Glass bottle (1 million years)
  • In 2019, a 1km stretch of road in Jeffrey’s Bay, built using recycled plastic (equivalent of 1.8 million plastic bags) was completed. This road, built largely from recycled materials, is more flexible and durable, meaning that there will be less wear and tear, resulting in fewer potholes. The recycled materials used to build the road are more user-friendly, and the laying of the road much more effective, saving time and money.
  • By 2050, plastic in the oceans will outweigh fish (from the Ellen MacArthur Foundation report, in partnership with the World Economic Forum). The report projects that the oceans will contain at least 937 million tons of plastic and 895 million tons of fish by 2050!

Make a decision to recycle today!
Let’s make a difference
because we can and while we can

What and how to recycle at Bushman’s Recycling

Bushmans Recycling
Open Monday to Fiday 08h00 – 17h00
Contact:  Nosipho Manona 073 387 6496



Beer cans, coldrink and food cans, tin foil containers, aerosol cans and tin lids (including rusty cans). All rinsed.

Not Recycable

Paint tins , tin foil (catering)



Any cardboard box, including milk and juice cartons

Not Recycable

Banana box lids (no waxy cardboard), frozen food boxes



Drink bottles, wrapping, bags, yoghurt containers, fruit and veg containers,milk and juice containers, bottle tops, detergent bottles and chip packets. All rinsed.

Not Recycable

Polystyrene, black bags, pvc (eg: garden furniture, gutters etc), plastic paint containers, crates, buckets



Glass bottles and jars. Take lids off

Not Recycable

Light bulbs and florecent tubes and window and automotive glass, drinking glass



White office paper, books, shredded paper, old invoice books etc.

Not Recycable

Empty cement bags, magazines, brochures, newspaper, potato paper bags, stickers, carbon paper, laminated and waxy paper and used tissues.



Light metal


Not Recycable

Disposable nappies, batteries, food left overs, pyrex, ceramics, electronics or parts thereof and anything made of wood, rubber and fabric



Light metal

Not Recycable

Disposable nappies, batteries, food left overs, pyrex, ceramics, electronics or parts thereof and anything made of wood, rubber and fabric


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