Relief fund | Contributions

by | May 12, 2020 | Blog, COVID-19

The total contributions to the KOSRA Food Aid Fund as at Friday, 8th May were R548 835,40.
This has so far been spent in the following way:

Date Account Expenses Amount
4/3/2020 KOSRA a/c BEACHWAYS LIFESTYLE Mask Elastics -R832.00
4/18/2020 KOSRA a/c SUNSHINE COAST SPAR 1st Tranche -R150,000.00
5/6/2020 KOSRA a/c Mark Moses -R5,790.00
5/8/2020 KOSRA a/c SUNSHINE COAST SPAR 2nd Tranche -R180,000.00
5/8/2020 KOSRA a/c SPAR Fee Electronic Payment -R7.00
Total -R336,629.00
Donation funds remaining R212,206.40

As most people are still unable to work under the lockdown, we intend to do a third tranche in the near future.


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