Dear all
We would like to keep you updated on the regular communications we have with Ndlambe. Should we at any stage receive a reply we will share that too. In this case we are referring to the waste and recycling plant located in the Bushmans Industrial area and the approval of a new location site.
Hi Debbie, Ndlambe Municipality
Please can you provide KOSRA with commitment from Ndlambe to reconvene the monthly Waste Management and Recycling meetings.
The last two meetings were both cancelled by Ndlambe. Ironically Ndlambe provided all the dates to KOSRA as these dates were suitable to Ndlambe’s representatives who needed to attend the meetings.
There are a number of important matters that are still under discussion and require urgent resolve. However, once again we have wasted two further months of opportunity to try and get the matters attended to.
To be frank with all at Ndlambe Municipality, the residents of Kenton and the surrounding area are fed up with the lack of service delivery. The disastrous state of the general infrastructure, (water, roads, waste management, vehicle logistics and sanitation) are inexcusable.
Worse so for KOSRA, there is no evidence or indication of a plan or strategy by the Council to remedy the situation.
The only evidence of any action by Ndlambe is reactive and then any action or remedy is temporary and poorly implemented. Nothing is repaired or maintained properly.
The Municipal “waste site” in the Bushman’s Industrial Area is an immediate example for this Waste and Recycling forum!
KOSRA and its Chairman are fast losing their patience with the inability and incapability of Ndlambe Municipality to carry out the day to day tasks accredited to and associated with the functions of a Municipality.
I would appreciate an urgent reply to this request for dates for these Waste and Recycling meetings. I look forward to hearing from you.
Steve Barwick