Water update 19 November

by | Nov 19, 2019 | Blog, Water

Interim news on the current water situation!

Today all systems are working. Consumption is running at 2 600 cubic meters per day. This represents a significant consumption increase of approximately 500 cubic meters a day over the normal levels of 2 100 cubic meters a day.

The breakdowns and leakages that are a feature of the system, and will continue to be until most of the piping is replaced, have reduced production over the last 10 days.  As a consequence night time close downs of the water supply have been reinstated until the reservoirs are full.

The extension to the RO plant will hopefully increase capacity to a theoretical 3 500 cubic meters per day which should be just sufficient to meet holiday demands.

Nevertheless we urge all residents to ensure that their tanks are full and functional prior to the holidays. Please remember it is also your responsibility to ensure that Kenton works for all.

We will continue to keep you advised.

Simon Avis

KOSRA Committee




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