Water, water everywhere but not a drop to drink!

by | Jan 28, 2019 | Blog, Chamber of Business, Water

  • Flush loos
  • Water gardens
  • Take a bath
  • Wash boats

KOSRA, BRRAG and Kenton Chamber of Commerce have been in discussion with Ndlambe Municipality and Amatola regarding the dire water situation during the holiday season.

Following a meeting on 18 January a formal letter from KOSRA, highlighting its serious concerns, was sent to the Ndlambe Municipal Manager, copied to the Mayor and the CEO of Amatola Water.   Click here to view that letter.

Should you wish to voice your concerns

We have adapted that letter for you to send directly to the municipality and Amatola. Feel free to change and add as you see fit.

Click here for the letter 

If the above link doesn’t work here is a MS Word version. The letter must be emailed to rdumezweni@ndlambe.gov.za;pfaxi@ndlambe.gov.za;vzitumane@amatolawater.co.za

Together we can make it work!
KOSRA Committee


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