Following several complaints by Kenton residents regarding the location of the Municipal Skips, KOSRA wrote to the Director of Infrastructural Development and the Municipal Manager asking for the skips to be moved to a more suitable location.
The skips, are at present, located in close proximity to residential apartments and shops making this location a health hazard (and very smelly) for those living and working in the area.
We have suggested that the skips be moved to the municipal land adjacent to the police station (yes, we know they used to be there!).
Our letter of 24 January 2020 with reminders on 5 February and again on 25 February to our ‘public servants’ remain unanswered.
Click here to see the original letter.
They will be far more convenient in location suggested near Police Station.
Also a separate skip for small quantities of Builder’s Rubble would be most useful and possibly stop some illegal dumping!
Had no success when I was still in the old Kenton Tourism Office when we and the Library suffered too. Wishing you the best this time! Aanhour ven hopefully!!
I don’t think we should accept the lack of response from the Municipality to your letters requesting decisions and / or action.
I believe the mayor should receive a strongly worded letter insisting that his councillors respond timeously to all matters raised.
This attitude requires elimination once and for all.
The skips have been an ongoing annoyance for residents in the area for a long time. Thank you KOSRA for addressing the issue as our complaints fell on deaf ears …. The skips are unhealthy, noisey, unsitely and attract a multitude of vagrants who search through garbage at all hours. Let’s hope they can be moved soonest.