
Kenton and surrounds have been very quiet with almost zero crime reports. We are in a fortunate situation as most of our neighbouring coastal areas namely PE, Jeffreys Bay, Humansdorp etc have all reported a major increase in crime.
The success in our area is undoubtedly the dedication of Hi-Tec and the various night-watch groups and the cameras as well as our security guards in the CBD.
A lot of effort and dedication has been put towards keeping our area as safe as possible & we would like to show our appreciation to the guards.
Go hug a security guard when you see them !
Thank you too, goes to the residents who do continue to contribute towards the camera and security fund of R200 per month or R2400 per year. As a reminder the KOSRA Annual fee is R600.
Camera Fund

As mentioned in the crime stats the cameras are working very well.
A few upgrades were made this month on the mini UPS batteries in order to cope with the longer loadshedding schedules.

For those that have not been in the area the grass and trees on the R72 have finally been cut back by SANRAL.
Good news is that we have had a R60k annual contribution from Ndlambe approved, we are trying to negotiate an additional R20k from them. This will help with the ongoing cost of keeping the tow paths and verges clear.
The no-dumping sign on the R343 has now been painted (thanks to Susan Cornish), but the clearing up has not yet happened.
KOSRA had a meeting with the Department of Public Works week of 5 June and we hope they will commence with clean ups shortly.

The ring-feed at Norfolk Ridge has been completed, however they still don’t get municipal water which we believe is from the current low levels in the Reservoir.
We don’t think they will receive water until the reservoir averages between 60-70%.
Thanks for the update, is there any news on fixing the roads yet. Westbourne, Elliot and Parker are very bad. There might be others.
Hi John. We will be sending an update on the roads out this week
Thanks for the update.
AsI understand it Norfolk Ridge, Two Rivers Place, some higher areas in Merryhill and Ekuphumeleni can only receive water with acceptable pressure from the high steel tanks located above the main reservoirs, through a dedicated 110mm feed from these tanks.
This feed has not been functional now for years, and I believe that water will or cannot be pumped to the header tanks unless the reservoirs are full.
I guess the Norfolk ring feed will never work properly unless it gets dedicated supply from the header tanks.
Thanks however for the continuous efforts that you make
Thank you for the amazing work that you do to keep Kenton such a happy place.