KOSRA is a leading contributor to the Kenton Community Camera Fund and we continue to work closely with SAPS, Hi-Tec Security and the Night Watch and Neighbourhood Watch teams to ensure that our security concerns are adequately addressed. This includes the ongoing review of strategic security camera positioning, the procurement and installation of addition state of the art security cameras as well as the associated software necessary to derive the maximum benefit from these cameras.
Visible and proactive community policing and the vigilance and security consciousness of all our residents remains the strongest crime deterrent in our area, however, the additional security provided by optimally positioned, properly maintained and professionally monitored security cameras go a long way to enabling us to reduce crime significantly and achieve our ultimate goal of “Zero Incidents.”
The contributions of our members, visitors and our local businesses to the Community Camera Fund have made it possible to significantly improve camera coverage and this is greatly appreciated. We therefore appeal to you all once again to consider any additional support possible to enable us to improve the coverage even further.
With the Easter weekend just around the corner and the safety and security of our residents and visitors foremost in our thoughts KOSRA has once again requested Hi-Tec Security to post additional guards at strategic points around Kenton on Sea. These additional security measures will be funded by KOSRA.
While the additional guards will help us to secure our village more effectively and provide greater peace of mind for our residents and visitors, we urge you all to take ownership of your own security. If we all contribute in our own way, by not leaving valuables unattended and unsecured, by keeping our eyes and ears open and reporting any suspicious activity to SAPS and/or Hi-Tec we can go a long way towards achieving our “Zero Incidents” goal.
We wish you all a very happy Easter and a wonderful weekend, stay safe and come back soon.
Stuart Clarkson
Security Portfolio