Let’s keep Kenton Green

by | Dec 8, 2021 | Blog, Recycling & Waste | 1 comment

Residents have asked for a recycling solution and we are happy to announce we have one. A recycling collection program has been initiated and co-funded by Rotary, KOSRA (Kenton on Sea Ratepayers Association), and local businesses.

Residents and visitors of Kenton are encouraged to put their recyclable waste onto verges/pavements on a Tuesday morning before 08h00 starting on 14 December. The same applies to residents and visitors of Merry Hill who will be asked to put their waste out on a Tuesday by 14h00.

In addition to collection days residents are urged to take their recyclable waste in clear bags to Bushmans Recycling located in Bushmans Industrial Zone (Riversbend)

All recyclables need to be placed in clear plastic bags or cardboard boxes. Black bags must not be used for recyclables

Recyclable clear bags can be purchased from local stores. Excess recyclable products can be bundled into cardboard boxes and placed alongside your bags should it not fit into the transparent bags.

In closing, we encourage the Kenton and surrounding community to support this worthy initiative in a small step towards a greener environment

Bushmans Recycling is 100% owned and managed by the employees. Their success is directly proportionate to volume so we urge the community to support recycling.

Please note this only applies to recyclable waste. The usual municipal collections will continue unaffected.

1 Comment

  1. Well done !!!

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