Dear Ratepayer,
The attention of members is drawn to the recent communication attaching the draft proposed Ndlambe Land Use Scheme of 2019.
KOSRA has engaged in an extensive discussion and interaction process with a considerable number of interested parties. Approximately 70 objections and comments were received and considered. Numerous meetings have been conducted with owners, architects and experts. KOSRA has engaged extensively with our legal advisor Kevin van Huyssteen of Fluxmans. Numerous other schemes in various towns and cities in South Africa have been considered and discussed. The current regulations, particularly in relation to permissible maximum height and other sensitive issues have been analysed and their weaknesses exposed.
Our intention has been to take on board all useful suggestions and to formulate a set of proposals that are simple, clear and effective with a view to laying a base for successful land use within Ndlambe and within Kenton in particular. Members will appreciate that this is a delicate balancing process.
Below are the written submissions and accompanying diagrams that have been submitted to Urban Dynamics (who have been instructed by Ndlambe). These refer to the proposed Land Use Scheme previously circulated.
Kind regards,
Pollos Purdon on behalf of KOSRA