Waste and Recycling update

by | Aug 21, 2023 | Blog, Recycling & Waste

Since the meeting end July 2023 the following developments have taken place and or materialised.

Bushman’s Recycling (BR)

Unfortunately it does not look like Bushmans Recycling will make the end of August / September. They now have no transport as the 1 vehicle owned by them is now uneconomical to repair.

Further, Ken Bern will be ending his voluntary assistance from end of August and or when BR achieve 8tons of cardboard for sale, whichever comes first.

Waste and Recycling:

For the immediate future Ndlambe will collect all domestic and commercial waste for delivery to either Alexandria or Port Alfred dumpsites.

They have no immediate plans to provide a sorted recycled waste option. i.e. a separate vehicle to collect clear bags.

Should residents wish to deliver their own recycled waste to the Bushmans site, that facility will remain functional for the immediate future. This, unless things deteriorate significantly. Ndlambe are/will monitor the site in association with KOSRA.

Kevin van Huysteen (KvH), Steve Barwick (SB) and Adrian Purdon (AP) attended a meeting with Nombulelo Booysen (NB) who is the director for Waste and Sanitation for Ndlambe. The meeting was held to consider a new Waste Transfer site for the Kenton and surrounding Communities.

3 sites were proposed and it was agreed to undertake a physical site inspection at two of the proposed sites.

  • Marselle: this option is literally in the middle of the residents homes and was deemed unsuitable for this and a number of other reasons. Proximity to water course.
    Existing Site: This was also considered insufficient due to property size and the adjacent Wetland as well as existing objections from BRRAG.
  • Settling Ponds Site: This site near the old dump site was visited and considered as probably the most suitable site. This on the understanding that Ndlambe agrees to a suitable and purpose built Transfer Site and is prepared to work with KOSRA on the EIA and the communication and management of the site. We were advised following the visit that NB would submit this site as the most favourable consideration at the next Council meeting. We all requested that this matter be given priority and that the necessary Consultants and Studies required are approved without delay.
  • Public, Private Partnership: Of interest was the suggestion by Ndlambe of a PPP agreement on this new site.
    We were advised of another successful PPP at Seafield where the Ratepayers are managing the Waste Transfer site. It was agreed that KOSRA/SB would make contact with Seafield representatives to investigate this option. AP/KvH both noted that the partnership would require adequate funding by Ndlambe, a purpose built Waste Transfer Site being developed with adequate and suitable infrastructure and vehicles being committed.

SB requested NB provide feedback on the existing sites immediate future. NB has agreed to get back to KOSRA.

Whilst KOSRA awaits a response on the new sites, a possible interim PPP may require consideration so as to better manage this site and or close it down completely and rehabilitate the land.

Steve Barwick


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