Waste recycling request

by | Nov 25, 2022 | Blog, Recycling & Waste

Dear KOSRA members and Residents

The holiday season will shortly be upon us and with the influx of the holiday makers comes the opportunity and challenges associated with Waste Management and Recycling.

The influx of holiday makers and returning home owners presents the opportunity of increased volumes of valuable recyclable material for the local Recycling operation, Bushman’s Recycling.

This small Recycling business managed and staffed by local people is their only opportunity to earn an income. Nosipho Manona is the owner of the business and oversees the day to day operation with Ken Bern as mentor. The business, up until recently employed 8 people. Sadly, the pressures associated with increased input costs, such as fuel, maintenance and general overheads has unfortunately led to the releasing of 3 staff.

During the year the Periwinkle Charity kindly agreed to assist the Bushman’s Recycling Company with funding to meet their urgent and immediate costs. This helped with keeping the ever important 1,3 Ton Truck on the road so that the whole business did not collapse. Unfortunately however, there was not enough funding to keep all the staff employed.

If you are in a position to assist us/Bushman’s Recycling in anyway please let us know.

Last year many of you will recall that over the festive season, being November, December and January, KOSRA and Rotary collaborated to provide short-term financial assistance to Bushman’s Recycling to facilitate Domestic Recycling Collection at your doorstep. Unfortunately, this season the service is not available as it was no longer economically viable. Collections will continue at businesses.

The domestic volumes collected did not warrant the time it took to attend to the collections.
The scarce resources available need to be more productively deployed this year, so as to make the business viable throughout the year.

This festive season we are requesting you to assist Kenton, the Surrounding Communities and Bushman’s Recycling with recycling efforts.

To this end we are asking you to assist by taking your sorted recyclables in clear plastic bags or cardboard boxes to the Bushman’s Recycling Depot in Bushman’s Industrial Park.

It’s a fifteen minute round trip, from the centre of Kenton. It’s for an excellent cause and you will get some good Karma to boot!

What happens if you don’t?

Well, the Ndlambe Municipal Waste Collection team will collect your domestic Waste in their normal manner and dispose of the valuable recyclable waste and your non recyclable waste in the Port Alfred landfill site. This creates additional and unnecessary pressure on our immediate local environment.

In addition, given the increased volumes in waste there are increased costs associated with extra fuel, maintenance and staff to consider.

Worse still there is the negative impact on the Port Alfred landfill site to consider, this facility is already under pressure without the additional volumes presented by your “good and valuable recyclable waste”.

What is Recyclable Waste

As a reminder the valuable items right now are; Cardboard, Clear Wrapping Plastic, Plastic Bottles (Clear and Colour), Glass Bottles and Cans. Unfortunately, in our area Tetra Pak is difficult to sell as is Newsprint and Magazines.

How can you make a difference this Festive Season

  • Please consider assisting the environment with sorting and bagging your valuable recyclable waste.
  • Please take your recyclables to the Bushman’s Recycling Depot in Bushman’s Industrial Area. Use the 1st gate.
  • Please don’t put your black garbage bags out on any other day than your allocated collection day. Please advise your tenants and or rental Agents to advise anyone using your home of same.
  • Please consider installing “Rooster Type Rubbish Bag storage” outside your property to keep the Dustbin bags and or rubbish from being destroyed and distributed by vagrants and stray dogs.
  • Please do not “dump” your black bags and or rubbish in servitudes and vacant sites on the day of departure if it does not coincide with “rubbish collection day”. This creates a problem for the rest of us to clean up when you are gone! If you miss your allocated day, you can take your black bags with non recyclables to the skips next to Bushmans Recycling at the 2nd gate.

Please insist that your tenants and rental Agents assist with implementing these requests.

Inherently we believe that human beings want and desire to do the right thing…this year we are challenging everyone to assist Kenton and the Surrounding Communities to do better with their waste management.

Please sort the recyclables and help by getting them to Bushman’s Recycling, then place the balance of your waste out for collection on your allocated day in sturdy garbage bags.

Together, with just a little extra effort we can make a significant difference. Be kind to the Planet, it’s the only one we have!!!

Steve Barwick


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