
by | Oct 6, 2022 | Blog, Recycling & Waste | 2 comments

Dear All

As a reminder please see the waste recyclable collection timeframe.

In our endeavours to reduce the impact on landfill sites we are encouraging people to recycle in order to take the pressure off these locations. Please spend the time and energy sorting your waste between what is recyclable and what is not. Recyclable ‘smalls’ must be placed in a clear bag (available at various stores in town). Cardboard can be placed in SKIPS as is.

On Monday, 10 October the skips will be removed from their current location in Kenton at the municipal offices.  The new location is situated at the municipal depot on Industria road, adjacent to Bushmans recycling plant, Bushmans Industrial Area.

Do’s and Don’ts of Rubbish Disposal

  1. The blue bins around town are not for household waste
  2. As a visitor to our town please dispose of your household waste on the allocated rubbish collection day, preferably in the  ‘off the ground’  stands
  3. Do not leave garbage on the pavements for animals to rummage through causing unnecessary litter.
  4. Should your departure day not coincided with rubbish collection day please do not dispose of your garbage on the pavements.  Preferably take your waste to the new SKIP site in Bushmans Industrial area
  5. Please do not dispose of your rubbish in walkways, servitudes, or any other public area
  6. Please advise cleaning services/domestic staff not to dispose or dump your garbage anywhere other than in the allocated areas

The New SKIPS.

There will be 2 SKIPS located on the new site in Bushmans. Please follow these guidelines

  1. SKIP 1 – recyclables only – in clear bags if bags are needed
  2. SKIP 2 – normal domestic/wet waste

Lets keep Kenton clean.


  1. This is great news and can’t wait for them to move the Municipal yard also as promised years ago to the same site in Bushman’s. The noise, scavengers and vermin will be gone, Thank you KOSRA !

  2. Very happy about this initiative well done to all concerned

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