Crime Stat update

by | Sep 16, 2019 | Blog, Security | 7 comments

15 JULY – 13 SEPTEMBER 2019:

3 X Housebreakings

Bushman’s River Mouth:
7 X Attempted Housebreakings
6 X Housebreakings
3 X Housebreakings & Thefts
2 X Thefts

1 X Attempted Housebreaking

Kenton on Sea:
3 X Intruders on Properties
1 X Attempted Housebreaking
5 X Thefts

1 X Theft

1 X Housebreaking
1 X Housebreaking & Theft
2 X Attempted Housebreakings
2 X Attempted Business Break-Ins
1 X Business Break-In & Theft
2 X Car Break-Ins
1 X Theft



  1. So roughly 40 crimes and 3 arrests.

    Is that normal? Maybe a comparison to same period last year( if you have those stats)

    • Hi Tec report slightly higher but more arrests.

  2. THANKS figures – do you have them for Merryhill???

    • We have asked Hi Tec to confirm.

  3. Please advise if the Kenton on Sea figures includes or excludes Merry Hill?
    Kind regards

  4. Please include Merry Hill even if the stat is “none”


    • Merry Hill had no crime stats for that period.
      The stats come from Hi Tec in PDF format.

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