Feedback from Ndlambe municipal meeting held in Kenton on 14 August 2023

by | Aug 15, 2023 | Blog, Building and Town Planning, Comms with Ndlambe, Ward Liaison | 3 comments

KOSRA attended the “Call for inspection Of General Valuation roll for 2024 and Lodging of Objections” meeting hosted by Ndlambe Municipality.

The meeting took place in the Kenton Town Hall at 12h00 on 14 August 2023.

In attendance from Ndlambe Municipality was Diane May (DM) and Jeanette Pienaar (JP). Mark Lindstrom (ML), municipal valuator.

Thank you to all rates payers who attended the meeting. There were about 80 in attendance.

The meeting was divided into two clear discussion points.

  1. The Valuation Roll and questions surrounding that topic. The municipal valuator Mark Lindstrom presented and explained the evaluation process.
    Please see attached slide presentation
  2. The actual rates tariff, how Ndlambe formulate the tariff and the way forward with regards to 2024 budgets.
  • The manner in which the factor is formulated was discussed and questioned. No clear answer provided.
  • Lack of services was raised. DM advised she is responsible for revenue collection and services falls under expenditure. These topics need to be raised over the budgetary period with the budget committee.
  • DM stated that KOSRA have been in extensive discussions with Ndlambe Municipality regarding rates concerns, amongst other areas. Outcome of these discussions between KOSRA and Ndlambe held on 27 July will be shared with KOSRA following the municipal meeting scheduled for 30 August.

Following the official meeting a spontaneous breakout session was led by Andre Shearer.

Some great ideas grew from this informal discussion. Key takeaways being:

  • Grow a database of existing skills amongst our community
  • Grow the list of willing “helpers”
  • We need to show a strong and serious front against Ndlambe and the way they mismanage the rate payers’ monies
  • Andre will link KOSRA with OUTA/Afriforum and expose KOSRA to his network that is involved with confronting local and central Government on issues related to mismanagement of tax payers/ratepayers funds.
  • Suggestion was made to have a KOSRA WhatsApp group. Trish Barwick pointed out that KOSRA already communicates across the following platforms. 365, KOSRA Facebook page and website as well as directly to our email database of 1575 subscribers. All of these platforms have the option/ability to post comments and suggestions.
  • It was agreed that all homeowners should contribute towards KOSRA. Currently we only have 30% paying members. Trish and Martin will drive a plan to grow the membership.
  • It was suggested that KOSRA be more transparent with communicating the “in progress” initiatives. This is noted and will be implemented.


  1. Thank you!

  2. much appreciate all you do

  3. Re: “We need to show a strong and serious front against Ndlambe and the way they mismanage the rate payers’ monies.”

    We greatly appreciate KOSRA and active rate payers. We have been ratepayers for 26 years, and fully resident for 2 years. We find service delivery in Ndlambe a welcome improvement from our previous municipality. We appreciate timely pot-hole maintenance, clearing of roadsides, rapid response to topping-up of water tanks, and a general sense of a solidly-managed municipality.
    We agree there is always room for improvement but would rephrase “mismanagement”.

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