Whilst the Buzz Bar, on Middle Beach Kenton on Sea during the festive season, provided a great view and decent refreshments it left quite a lot to be desired.
When the KOSRA committee viewed the proposal submitted to Ndlambe for ‘containers on the beach’ we were excited by the prospect of it being ‘just what was needed’ for holiday makers and residents alike. Sadly we were mistaken!
The reality was somewhat different to the promises:
- Treatment of sewage was inadequate. A pit was dug in the car park, into which sewage was discharged. This overflowed with green signs of sewage spread over a large area of the car park. As people, especially children, often walk bare foot from the beach to their cars, this constituted a health hazard.
- Sewage was also pumped from this pit by a long pipe into a manhole behind the municipal toilets. As this is merely a septic tank for a small facility, it must have been severely overloaded. We are unsure if any fee was paid to the municipality for this service!
- A water line was taken from the line into the municipal toilets to fill five large tanks whenever the water was turned on, regardless of the restrictions being observed by everyone else in Kenton. There was no sign of any meter!
- Refuse was not taken to the municipal skips. Numerous bags were dumped next to a pole in the car park!
- There appeared to be no age check into the disco, either limiting admission or the sale of alcohol.
- By early February there were still containers in the car park.
- At our insistence, the whole car park was finally disinfected three times – supervised by Willem Nel the Environmental Law Officer for Ndlambe Municipality.
Whilst holiday makers may have liked the restaurant and bar many Kenton residents were unhappy with the facility and particularly its effect on the environment. Ndlambe and KOSRA are likely to oppose any attempt to repeat it.
I wonder if there is not an opportunity to build on the positives?
To close after one year, and so many positive comments, does not seem to be heading for a “win-win”.
This is not condoning in any way a worrying list of the downside, merely an attempt to reframe the discussion to a process and a journey rather that a cut-de-sac.
I think it would be a shame to oppose it. It was a first of its kind and a big learning curve for all concerned. The lessons learnt can now be taken into account when planning another one.
Fully agree
The Middle Beach initiative was a fantastic one, it was well supported and KOSRA members at the AGM where unanimously in favour of it. The minutes of the AGM, if they are a true reflection of the meeting will prove that the meeting supported the initiative. The problems mentioned, if they are the only ones, are serious but simple to rectify. I see no reason why KOSRA should not support this again.
Agree totally!
I think the problems are serious but not simple to rectify – how does one move sewage from the beach to wherever and how does one ensure that the Municipality inspects and approves properly during erection!
The initial proposal of the Buzz bar was for entertainment for the youngsters, not trade on the beach, and not to bring extra competition for existing business in town.
The Buzz bar did not attract youngsters, they still at the end of the day went to Jerry’s/Home woods. It did attract excessive alcohol in the parking lot, leaving broken bottles and litter behind.
It was not a cash injection for the town. most of the income from Buzz bar went straight back out of town. The majority stakeholders were not local therefore it could not have benefited the town as some would like to think.
A holistic approach that would benefit Kenton would need to be open and affordable to all business owners of the town, and I suggest a different venue for entertainment, seeing as Middle beach is a family and boat launch beach. Taking so much of the parking space makes it exceedingly difficult for boats to be launched and families cannot get to the beach.
For enterattainment purposes I would suggest Bushmans beach or Stanley’s, or Goat shed, seeing as they are far from residential housing but close enough for pick up and drop off.
Enterprise on the beach would need to be small enough so as not to take excessive space and be made up of a diverse range complimenting one another rather than competing against one another.
Lastly, there are so many opinions, and too little facts. It would make sense to base any decisions on facts not opinions.
I agree with all previous comments. lets not throw the baby out with the bathwater. By confirming upfront what must be done or not, and by having regular inspections, these issues can be overcome.
A deposit should also be paid, and only refunded if all our requirements have been met, and once all rubbish, materials and containers have been cleared.
Excellent idea.
The seemingly constant opposition to anything new by very few really does sadden me. The town needs something to attract youngsters and their parents and Buzz bar did that.
It was a cash injection for the town as well which is great.
I would suggest putting procedures in place to improve the sewerage, rubbish and water issues.
Let’s not oppose it completely. A constructive roundtable discussion is always better.
Not clear that there was any financial benefit to the town. Perhaps that is the place to start in the future. A better understanding of the implications on both the cost and benefit combined with a wholistic approach that does benefit the town will improve the next effort
Many friends commented on the number of under age kids being served alcohol at this venue. There is no excuse for this sort of reckless and illegal behaviour by business owners. It puts these kids at risk. For once other venues in and around Kenton adhered to calls for ID checks on obviously underage patrons. Support venues and organisations committed to doing what is right and who follows the laws and by-laws that exists for very good reasons.
While the BuzzBar was popular and well supported, the sewerage problem made it an eyesore. Also, there was no parking for beach goers, with people parking any old how, ignoring no parking markings, which put children at risk. There were supposed to be ‘taxi’s’ taking people to the beach from BuCo, I never saw a single one. We were unable to use the beach on some days which is very unfair to those of us who pay a lot of money to come on holiday and expect to be able to use the facilities advertised.
I am not opposed to the idea of entertainment for visitors, buy why Middel Beach? Its the only safe place for children to swim and play.