Kenton Security Update & Funding

by | Sep 15, 2020 | Blog, Security | 3 comments

As we have not spoken for some time, let’s jump straight into the stats so that we immediately know where we stand on things.

So far this year – and this is according to HiTec stats – we have had 62 incidents. That equates to 7,75 incidents per month.

This is not bad at all; however it is still very frustrating to be personally part of the stats.

We have experienced no major incidents. Here’s a list the crime stats broken down on a monthly basis: 

If you are viewing this from your phone, flip it sideways to view the stats as the content is quite wide:
February 2020
Date Day Time Area Description Arrests
4-Feb-2020 TUE 15H33 Bushman’s House Brake-in And Theft O
9-Feb-2020 SUN 09H50 Bushman’s Business Brake-in And Theft O
17 02-2020 MON 08H17 Bushman’s Theft O
17-Feb-2020 MON 14H30 Bushman’s House Brake-in O
27-Feb-2020 THU 18H27 Bushman’s House Brake-in And Theft O
28-Feb-2020 FRI 02H06 Bushman’s House Brake-in And Theft O
13-Feb-2020 THU 06h04 Farms House Brake-in And Theft O
6-Feb-2020 THU 14H30 Kenton House Brake-in O
11-Feb-2020 TUE 17H38 Kenton Theft O
13-Feb-2020 THU 06H56 Kenton Theft O
13-Feb-2020 THU 06H56 Kenton Theft O
14-Feb-2020 FRI 00H01 Kenton Theft O
15-Feb-2020 SAT 10H25 Kenton Theft O
17-Feb-2020 MON 08H35 Kenton Business Brake-in And Theft O
17-Feb-2020 MON 08H20 Kenton Theft O
19-Feb-2020 WED 15H32 Kenton Theft O
19-Feb-2020 WED 10H16 Kenton Theft O
19-Feb-2020 WED 10H50 Kenton Theft O
22-Feb-2020 SAT 01H14 Kenton Attempted House Break-In O
27-Feb-2020 THU 08H00 Kenton Car Break-In O
28-Feb-2020 FRI 07H07 Kenton Theft O
9-Feb-2020 SUN 07H33 Riversbend House Brake-in And Theft TWO
15-Feb-2020 SAT 19H34 Riversbend Business Brake-in O
16-Feb-2020 SUN 18H50 Riversbend Business Brake-in And Theft O
16-Feb-2020 SUN NO SP TIME Riversbend House Brake-in And Theft O
22-Feb-2020 SAT 01H55 Riversbend Business Brake-in And Theft O
23-Feb-2020 SUN 10H16 Riversbend Business Brake-in And Theft O
March 2020
Date Day Time Area Description Arrests
3-Mar-2020 TUE 23H56 Kenton Theft O
5-Mar-2020 THU 12H37 Kenton Theft O
8-Mar-2020 SUN 08H04 Kenton Theft O
8-Mar-2020 SUN 00H55 Kenton Attempted Theft ONE
8-Mar-2020 SUN 22H03 Riversbend House Brake-in And Theft ONE
11-Mar-2020 WED OOH39 Riversbend House Brake-in And Theft O
11-Mar-2020 WED 19H43 Riversbend Attempted House Break-In O
13-Mar-2020 FRI 09H42 Riversbend Theft O
18-Mar-2020 WED 13H41 Kenton House Brake-in O
20-Mar-2020 FRI 03H52 Riversbend Robbery O
23-Mar-2020 MON 05H33 Bushman’s House Brake-in ONE
23-Mar-2020 MON 14H28 Riversbend Theft ONE
27-Mar-2020 FRI 18H14 Farm Intruder On Property ONE
April 2020
Date Day Time Area Description Arrests
05-Apr-20 SUN 04H04 Bushman’s Intruder On Property O
06-Apr-20 MON 00H30 Bushman’s Intruder On Property O
06-Apr-20 MON 07H10 Bushman’s Theft O
08-Apr-20 WED 09H11 Kenton Theft O
08-Apr-20 WED 10H10 Riversbend Attempted House Break-In O
11-Apr-20 SAT 01H14 Bushman’s Attempted House Break-In O
11-Apr-20 SAT 01H11 Bushman’s Attempted Theft O
13-Apr-20 MON 09H50 Bushman’s House Brake-in O
14-Apr-20 TUE 17H24 Kariega View House Brake-in And Theft O
15-Apr-20 WED 02H02 Bushman’s Intruder On Property O
15-Apr-20 WED NO.TIME FRAME Riversbend House Brake-in O
15-Apr-20 WED 14H28 Riversbend Attempted House Break-In O
15-Apr-20 WED 17H27 Farms House Brake-in And Theft O
15-Apr-20 WED 10H12 Riversbend House Brake-in And Theft O
16-Apr-20 THU 09H15 Farms Theft O
18-Apr-20 SAT 11H09 Farms House Brake-in And Theft O
19-Apr-20 SUN 11H56 Farms House Brake-in O
24-Apr-20 FRI 17H27 Kenton House Brake-in And Theft TWO
24-Apr-20 FRI 04H37 Kenton House Brake-in O
30-Apr-20 THU 10H41 Kenton Theft O
30-Apr-20 THU 14H29 Kenton House Brake-in And Theft O
08 04-2020 WED 16H41 Kenton Theft O
May 2020
Date Day Time Area Description Arrests
2-May-2020 SAT 13H21 Riversbend Theft TWO
2-May-2020 SAT 04H08 Bushman’s Robbery O
2-May-2020 SAT 20H20 Kenton Attempted Business Break-In O
8-May-2020 FRI 10H57 Kenton Business Brake-in And Theft O
10-May-2020 SUN 16H41 Riversbend Business Brake-in O
10-May-2020 SUN 17H31 Kenton Theft O
17-May-2020 SUN 07h47 Kenton House Brake-in And Theft O
17-May-2020 SUN 12H37 Kenton Theft O
18-May-2020 MON 12H26 Kariega View House Brake-in And Theft O
19-May-2020 TUE 01H04 Riversbend House Brake-in And Theft O
15-May-2020 FRI 10H00\01H00 Bushman’s Attempted House Break-In O
21-May-2020 THU 03H27 Bushman’s Attempted House Break-In O
24-May-2020 SUN 04H32 Kenton House Brake-in And Theft O
24-May-2020 SUN 21H18 Riversbend Intruder On Property O
25-May-2020 MON 02H57 Riversbend Intruder On Property O
25-May-2020 MON 22H47 Kenton House Brake-in O
27-May-2020 WED 07H41 Riversbend Business Brake-in O
27-May-2020 WED 20H56 Kenton House Brake-in O
27-May-2020 WED 22H25 Bushman’s House Brake-in O
30-May-2020 SAT 00H44 Kenton Attempted House Break-In O
30-May-2020 SAT 11H25 Kenton House Brake-in O
31-May-2020 SUN 07H37 Bushman’s House Brake-in And Theft O
31-May-2020 SUN 13H50 Kenton Theft O
June 2020
Date Day Time Area Description Arrests
2-Jun-2020 TUE NO SPEC TIME Bushman’s House Brake-in ONE
4-Jun-2020 THU 15H25 Kenton House Brake-in O
5-Jun-2020 FRI 02H26 Riversbend House Brake-in O
7-Jun-2020 SUN 05H50 Riversbend House Brake-in O
8-Jun-2020 MON OOH25 Bushman’s Business Brake-in And Theft 0NE
8-Jun-2020 MON 21H15 Riversbend Intruder On Property O
14-Jun-2020 SUN 09h54 Bushman’s Attempted House Break-In O
13-Jun-2020 SAT 08H00\10H00 Riversbend Robbery O
19-Jun-2020 FRI 10H02 Kenton Attempted House Break-In O
22-Jun-2020 MON 17H06 Bushman’s Car Break-In O
25-Jun-2020 THU 10H00 Riversbend Robbery O
27-Jun-2020 SAT 20h43 Kenton House Brake-in O
27-Jun-2020 SAT 21H26 Kenton House Brake-in O
29-Jun-2020 MON 06H00 Marselle House Brake-in O
July 2020
Date Day Time Area Description Arrests
1-Jul-2020 WED 19H07 Kenton House Brake-in And Theft ONE
3-Jul-2020 FRI 14H03 Kenton Robbery O
4-Jul-2020 SAT 13H24 Kenton Theft O
4-Jul-2020 SAT NO.SP TIME Bushman’s Theft O
5-Jul-2020 SUN 01H29 Bushman’s Car Break-In O
4-Jul-2020 SAT 23H30 Riversbend Business Brake-in And Theft O
6-Jul-2020 MON 15H04 Kenton House Brake-in O
9-Jul-2020 THU 12H13 Marselle Theft O
9-Jul-2020 THU 10H51 Boknes House Brake-in O
9-Jul-2020 THU 14H00 Kenton House Brake-in And Theft O
10-Jul-2020 FRI 14H34 Kariega View House Brake-in And Theft O
10-Jul-2020 FRI 23H54 Kenton Theft O
11-Jul-2020 SAT OH49 Bushman’s House Brake-in O
11-Jul-2020 SAT 04H20 Kenton House Brake-in And Theft O
14-Jul-2020 TUE 13H17 Kariega View House Brake-in And Theft O
13-Jul-2020 THU 10H48 Kenton Theft O
16-Jul-2020 THU 14HOO Kenton Theft O
20-Jul-2020 MON 01H32 Riversbend Business Brake-in O
23-Jul-2020 THU 03H22 Riversbend Robbery O
21-Jul-2020 TUE 17HOO Farms House Brake-in And Theft O
24-Jul-2020 FRI 15HO8 Kenton Theft O
27-Jul-2020 MON 03H45 Kenton Robbery O
27-Jul-2020 MON 15H15 Kariega View House Brake-in O
29-Jul-2020 WED 11H36 Riversbend Attempted House Break-In O
30-Jul-2020 THU NO SP.TIME Kariega View Robbery O
31-Jul-2020 FRI 15H50 Kenton Theft TWO


August 2020
Date Day Time Area Description Arrests
14-Aug-2020 FRI 11H05 Kenton Attempted House Break-In O
16-Aug-2020 SUN 14H59 Cannon Rocks Robbery O
18-Aug-2020 TUE 15H52 Kenton Theft O
20-Aug-2020 THU 09H28 Riversbend Attempted House Break-In O
20-Aug-2020 THU 02H37 Bushman’s Business Brake-in O
22-Aug-2020 SAT 17H45 Kenton House Brake-in And Theft O
23-Aug-2020 SUN 10H57 Kenton Attempted House Break-In O
23-Aug-2020 SUN 11H27 Kenton House Brake-in O
23-Aug-2020 SUN 14H27 Kenton House Brake-in And Theft O
23-Aug-2020 SUN 23H19 Cannon Rocks Armed Robbery O
24-Aug-2020 MON 14H25 Kariega View Theft O
27-08-2020-  THU 16h56 Kenton House Brake-in And Theft O

What has got up our sleeve for this coming season is a way of addressing what, one way and another, always seems to be the high point of our criminal activity.

As you are by now all aware that every December and Easter we have employed extra guards to patrol the areas along the R72 where there are numerous entrances into Kenton. This was at great expense, around R400 000,00 per year.

We just don’t have the funding to repeat this in the coming festive season.

In fact, out of the entire Kenton population only 52 patrons are paying their monthly R150-00 subscription to the KOSRA security fund. This has resulted in us having a balance at the moment of only R80 000,00, which is far short of the R 240 000,00 required for the December guarding.

What are we going to do??? We have decided to bolster the camera network so that we will have cameras now monitoring all the entrances to Kenton along the R72.

Unless subscriptions remarkably improve from now to December, we will only be working within the confines of our cash flow.


Bank:  Standard Bank
Account name: Kenton Ratepayers Security
Account number: 28-393-531-6
Branch:  Port Alfred
Branch code: N/A
Reference: Kenton Street Address and Surname

Click here to see all security updates:

Thank you.

KOSRA, working for you.


  1. Please would you distribute a list of current contributors. I am not sure if I am contributing or not. The list may also “prod” people who are not contributing because they have forgotten. You could also suggest different levels of contributions – R150, R250, R350 or more. I appreciate what KOSRA does and would be willing to pay more than R150/a

  2. I thought the security fund was an annual charge of R150.00 not monthly. If it is monthly this sounds outrageous when considering that most of us pay a hefty monthly bill to Hi-Tec for our alarms and security. Please correct me if I am wrong.

    • The Security Fund is used to hire guards to patrol all the public areas during the holiday periods. The cost of this is in excess of R300 000 per annum.
      To cover this, R150 per responsible resident per annum is derisory. We are trying to reduce this cost, but still maintain security for everyone by installing extra cameras.
      But they are also expensive…..If more people contributed, we could reduce the cost per contributor.

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