You cannot have failed to notice the unsightly broken and tumble-down braais on the approach to Middle Beach. The area has been an eye sore for quite a while and it became apparent that a revamp was long overdue.
Hoping to get the project finished in time for the festive season KOSRA wrote to the municipality for permission to upgrade the braais as we thought this would be a worthy project to spend some funds on. Sadly, we were only granted permission over two months later so the area remained unsightly for the hols!

But the good news is …… the rebuilding of the braais (including reinforced steel for extra strength) is now complete. We hope they are a source of long lasting enjoyment for everyone.
Unfortunately, vandalism is still alive and well in Kenton. One of the braais was vandalised on the weekend after completion and had to be re-re-built!
Thanks and well done to all concerned. Greatly appreciated
Good work, also on the reconstruction of the middle beach carpark wall. Well done.
You do great work!
Thank you to the Ratepayers association and all volunteers who assist in the improvements to Kenton infrastructure and ongoing negotiations with municipal and other officials. Your efforts have made a very big difference . Thank you
The new wall and braais look very good and we wish to thank you for a great project completion. Today we went for a walk on the beach and we would like to appeal to all Kentonites to please pick up the litter they come across on the beach. We filled a shopping bag of plastics and litter including cigarette butts. There is still many doggie poo on the beach which again is so sad that dog owners refuse to pick up.
Well done to Kosra and all the helpers for a good job. I share the sentiments and comments made by Bev Lloyd.
All your efforts are greatly appreciated. Many thanks.
No wonder Kenton is so well sought out as a holiday or residential destination… many experienced
‘ole boys’ on past and present ratepayers committees offer their services and expertise F.O.C, plus the new ‘young bucks’ all doing a great job….Greatly appreciated.
We are very grateful for all your efforts, re braais, water etc. As for the proposed commercial developments at the entrance to Kenton – will it take the death of a prominent councillor or his/her family to prevent this crazy idea? Having known one of the children that didn’t make it to the other side of the R72 and witnessed so many of the other “accidents” the foolishness of ignoring the hazardous crossing of the R72 appals me.
God bless all of your who write the necessary letters and spend your time on our behalf.
Ann Greer