In relation to the SDF (SPATIAL DESIGN FRAMEWORK) Project, the appointed Service Provider by Ndlambe (Tshani Consulting) managed to review, complete and addressed the comments received during the public participation period. Those who have commented on the SDF would have been provided with feedback.
The Municipality managed to table the SDF for consideration earlier this year and confirmed the adoption thereof on the 31st of May 2023. This will come into operation and effect from 1st July 2023.
With regards to the SDF for Kenton on Sea, the Municipality will have to look for other funding sources to fund the ‘Precinct Plan’ project from the Provincial Government. We will keep you posted.
Pollos Purdon.
I live in the tiny 2 meter-wide Beaufort St (where two cars cannot even pass each other) since 2021, and of course would never have bought here had I known that what appeared to be residential area across the road from me, has for some very odd reason been reclassified as Business. It seems very out of place, and there appears to be much more appropriate land elsewhere that could have seemlessly been reclassified as Business.
I might now get a 50-seater restaurant built opposite my quiet home, if the application is successful, which I am dreading. What is KOSRA’s view on this?
The Municipality managed to table the SDF for consideration earlier this year and confirmed the adoption thereof on the 31st of May 2023. This will come into operation and effect from 1st July 2023.
Hi there. As per the KOSRA announcement refering to the SDF for Kenton on Sea, the Municipality will have to look for other funding sources to fund the ‘Precinct Plan’ project from the Provincial Government. We will keep you posted. This Precinct Plan will cover “grey” areas such as Beaufort street.
The inclusion of the north side of Beaufort St as an area for possible CBD expansion in the 2013 SDF done by Metroplan and the newly approved 2023 version by Tshani has caused a heated conflict situation with BS residents. Despite dozens of submitted valid objections by residents, Tshani refused to address the Beaufort conflict. Residents have rights to amenities which have been severely compromised by misconceptions by developers that they could now propose projects that are directly in conflict with SPLUMA gazetted residential zone 1 amenities. The SDF section pages 160-162 with reference to Kenton includes aerial photos which are at least 10 years old – this hardly lends credibility to the document approved. Tshani also in conversation revealed that they had not been to Beaufort St at the May 14th 2022 meeting in PA. This has already lead to legal recourse in order to stop unlawful activity on erf1655. Although a precinct plan was proposed there is currently no funding to proceed.