Dear Kenton Residents
The modus operandi of criminals is always changing and we need to adapt our response accordingly. Since the new Kenton security team took over we’ve been analysing security trends. How trends change and how we need to adapt to those changes.
Here is a summary of the current assessment:
- In 2015 we were experiencing approximately 24 house break ins per month
- The average up until last weekend was about 6 incidents per year
Even counting these recent incidences, this dramatic improvement is because residents are protecting their own PRIVATE SPACES more effectively through the appointment of an armed response such as Hi Tec. Plus by securing perimeter fencing and installing improved burglar systems with window and door protection. This expense is born by the individual residents.
So successful have these efforts been that criminal activity has now migrated into the PUBLIC SPACE and we have seen an escalation in incidents occurring on our streets, parking areas and other public spaces.
These are the areas which we have normally relied on SAPS to protect. The harsh reality is that our police service is over stretched and appears to have insufficient personnel, and other resources such as patrol vehicles, to keep abreast of the large area assigned to their protection. Added to this is a marked increase in the use of drugs which motivate some of the incidents we’re experiencing.
If we are to reverse these new trends we need to adopt a different approach to protecting our public spaces. This will require a strong collaboration between the community and SAPS in a similar manner to the initiatives implemented over the holiday season.
The additional guarding we provided at night to monitor Kenton over the holiday season was very successful. However, we did record more incidents during the day when our guards were not on duty.
We need to increase public space and street monitoring and ensure better response through collaboration. The planning of this new collaborative approach is well underway and we will keep everybody informed as we progress. We are always eager to have constructive input and would encourage your ideas and participation.
A key challenge to achieve success remains funding. We are extremely grateful to the 84 households who have contributed to the security fund so far but we appeal to the remaining 616 households to make their contribution to the security fund, as unless we have sufficient funds, we cannot carry out the necessary steps that are needed to protect the streets and our PUBLIC SPACES.
We are very understanding of the cross section of our community and the enormous pressure on household budgets but unless we tackle this problem with the entire communities’ involvement we will lose our town to criminals.
Crime incidents to mention:
- An attack of an elderly lady outside the entrance to Dolphin.
A camera will be installed immediately which links directly to the control room so we are able to better monitor this vulnerable section of Kenton. - An unfortunate incident involving a lady in Bushmans.
The perpetrators are known to SAPS and we are co-operating with the Bushmans security team in this regard.
We will give you an update on the latest incidences as soon as we are sure of the details.
Lastly, I would again appeal to all who are part of the Kenton Security WhatsApp Group to post factual information only and to feel free to contact ‘admins’ if you are unsure of details of any incident. It is critical that an accurate picture is reflected of security issues in our town.
Kenton Ratepayers
Standard Bank
28 39 35 316
Reference “SECURITY”
Thank you
Mark Moses
KOSRA Security Portfolio