Spring is sprung – a security update

by | Aug 28, 2019 | Blog, Security

Spring is nearly upon us and the baddies certainly seem to have a spring in their steps at the moment.

We have suffered a lot of petty thievery, which as you can imagine, frustrates the security team no end.

No matter how small the possession that’s taken, the mere fact that someone uninvited has come into your home, causes much anger and a great deal of frustration.

This leads to all sorts of thoughts and questions which often seem to remain unanswered.  No matter how often you revisit the incident in your head the same queries keep popping up. This can lead to stress and nervousness. However, this thought process is very normal and whilst some people can work through it, others do need to get counselling.  Please don’t try to be a hero, get help if you need it!

Stay alert

Often you are the weakest link! It’s you who doesn’t lock the door or close the window! It’s you who doesn’t turn the alarm on! I know we’re all busy but if you get in the habit of checking, it’ll become second nature!

  • House alarms are there to be used. Check!
  • Make sure your alarm is simple to use. Check!
  • Make sure the batteries are working. Check!
  • Make sure that ants and other creatures have not become resident in the beam housings. Check!
  • Always keep a torch handy. Check!
  • Keep your stay alarm on if you are in! Check

AND if in doubt, SHOUT IT OUT! PHONE High Tec and SAPS. CHECK!

High Tec     046 648 1032
SAPS            046 648 1222

At the time of writing this blog I have still not received the detailed crime statistics for the last period frustrating as that is! I will pass them on as soon as they arrive.


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