KOSRA is well aware of the on-going and ever-escalating water crisis as a result of Amatola Water being unable to supply water adequately and consistently to the residents of Wards 3 and 4.

On Thursday 22 April 2021 a meeting was convened with the Ndlambe Municipal Manager attended by representatives of the Chamber of Business, Bushmans River Ratepayer’s Organisation and KOSRA.

The Municipality shared with us their equal levels of frustration with the lack of service delivery by Amatola Water.  We were informed that the council has resolved that Amatola’s services should be terminated and that they should be required to depart.

The Municipality and the three organisations are jointly working together and co-operating with each other to establish the ultimate implementation of a plan to retake the control of the Reverse Osmosis Plant and related infrastructure at Bushmans River Mouth.  This is likely to be a lengthy process and will involve and require the assistance and cooperation of the Ministry of Water and Sanitation under whose control Amatola Water falls.

In particular we are aware of the current acute and extremely critical shortage of water which has resulted in many residents not having any water at all.  KOSRA, with the other organisations is urgently evaluating possible courses of action that can be taken as a matter of urgency to alleviate the problem in the immediate short term.

We will keep residents informed of progress.





  1. and if you have no tank water?
    what are the contingency plans?

    • When can we expect the water supply to be switched back on.
      Please let the community know of progress

  2. I am not sure if KOSRA is aware that a Ndlambe water tanker is filling up with water from a fire hydrant in Elliot Road and makes several trips during the day and night. I am not sure where the water is destined but I am told it is Port Alfred. If this is so and if some KOS residents are going without water, is it fair?

    • That definitely is not fair. We need to know where this water is going and why.

  3. Thanks for your work on behalf of the residents.

  4. Thank you for all you are doing for our communities.

  5. Thanks for info. Unfortunately this has been at least a 2 year problem and very little seems to have been achieved.Some idea of the timeline going forward would be appreciated.

  6. Kosra …Surely because of total lack of delivery, we can put together our own team (who know what they’re doing) and get rid of Amatola once and for all. Rather pay a qualified professional, than leave it up to a bunch of amateurs.

  7. Thank you for the update

  8. Thank you for the update and for what you are continuing to do in the protection of our interests

  9. And about time too. This constant “give them a chance” outlook has failed dismally.

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