Update on the garage at the entrance to Kenton

by | Mar 24, 2020 | Blog, Building and Town Planning | 8 comments

We have been advised that the application for subdivision and reconsolidation has been approved subject to the condition that “A revised current Traffic Impact Assessment (TIA) be conducted and approved by SANRAL and be submitted to the Municipality during the Site Development Plan submission.”

We believe that KOSRA has no alternative but to request reasons for this decision. George has therefore sent a letter in terms of Section 5 of the Promotion of Administrative Justice Act requesting reasons so we can make an informed decision to lodge an appeal or not.

In the meantime, letters to SANRAL asking for explanations for approving the garage in spite of already highly dangerous traffic conditions, and to the Dept of Environment about the expired Environmental Approval, remain unanswered, despite repeated reminders. Is there a pattern developing here?

Click here to read our previous article on the Garage at the entrance to Kenton


  1. The already congested traffic situation at the entrance to Kenton on Sea does absolutely not allow a garage as proposed.

  2. I personally think that to build a garage on this already extremely dangerous crossing from Kenton onto the R72 is madness. We already have a garage in Kenton itself, so why another one?

  3. I have always supported the development of the Garage Complex at the entrance – with the condition that they improve the traffic flow conditions. This is what is being requested (new traffic study & proposal).

    If the garage complex was already in existence it would have drastically reduced the volume of people coming in to the center of Kenton. During the Corona virus conditions any reduction in concentrations of people would be a benefit.

    We need to consider how to reduce the density of crowds, as a permanent feature. Developments of new distributed facilities will help reduce the crwding density at the existing facilities. We need to consider these benefits.

  4. Please NO GARAGE just too dangerous as it is I am afraid to cross that intersection.

  5. Why at the entrance where it is far more appropriate to site the garage near the industrial area. I am amazed at the persistence despite the negativity. To raise the issue of the coronavirus seems to me a non-issue. Why use this supposedly short term problem as an argument about a permanent structure?!!

  6. I believe we should place as much focus on the pedestrian traffic across the R72 as on the vehicular traffic. There is no way that this access can be allowed without reducing the speed limit to 60kph as, the pedestrians will not only have to cross the egress onto Kenton road but also the R72. If the garage and related shopping were on the other side of the R72 it might reduce pedestrian traffic but as proposed out will cause an increase.
    Therefore, we must insist on a pedestrian traffic analysis as well.

  7. This development will create chaos at the junction and there will be an increase of fatal accidents on the R72 as Province will not allow any means to slow down that traffic.

  8. I suggest that Kosra inform OUTA and ask them to fight the case or to assist us in fighting it.

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