Please note - water restrictions apply:
Our area has been subject to water restrictions since December 2017.
We live in a water scares world! Don’t waste the precious water! Whether you’re a resident of our lovely village or a visitor please do your upmost to conserve our limited water supply.
We urge all residents to install water storage tanks. Rainwater is free and although limited at times it is a resource too valuable to waste; storing water helps reduce the pressure on the municipal water supply.
Report Municipal Water Leaks Mr Yoks Ntintili 071 423 7612
Helpful tips to conserve water

In the bathroom
- Keep a bucket in the shower. Catch the water and use it to flush loos or water plants.
- Take short showers! Don’t bath it uses too much water.
- Remove the plug from baths – essential for house rentals and guest houses
- Install water saving shower heads
- Turn the tap off during teeth brushing
- Flush loos only when necessary

In the kitchen
- Use pasta cooking water to water plants.
- Only use washing machines and dishwashers with full loads
- Don’t let the tap run when washing dishes
- Do less laundry

General household
- Install grey water tanks
- Install water storage tanks to capture rain water
- Mend leaks immediately
- Monitor your water bill
- Never throw water down the drain as it can always be used again
- Use a broom not a hose

In the garden
- Shrink your lawn
- Mulch plants to avoid evaporation
- Plant succulents and water wise plants
- Use grey water to water your plants
- Don’t play with water
- If you really have to wash a car or boat use a bucket of water and a sponge.
Related articles from our blog
Water update December 2022
BRRAG, KOSRA, Chamber of Business and Tourism and Estuary Care established a combined representative body.
Water announcement
Please be responsible and considerate in your use of water.
KOSRA Community notice – no water on Wednesday!
ALBANY COAST PLANT SHUTDOWN ON THE 23rd JUNE 2021 Amatola Water would like to advise Ward 3 and 4 about the total shutdown of Albany Coast Reverse Osmosis Plant on Wednesday 23rd June 2021. There will be a total shutdown of the plant and there will be no production...
Water restrictions/update
Water restrictions from 10am – 2pm and again from 10pm – 4am. Effective immediately.
Water Scarcity Looming this Festive Season
In preparation for the busy festive season, we encourage all residents and business owners to purchase and install water storage tanks if they haven’t already done so.
The Water Saga
A recent meeting with Amatola revealed that there were 3 main causes for the water problems we experienced over the weekend of 7 June.
Water update May
You might have heard that Amatola has been put under “Administration”. There is a big spat between Amatola’s CEO Ms Vuyo Zitumane (Ex CEO!) And the Minister of water affairs Lindiwe Sisulu.
An update on water
At long last, almost four months late, the Amatola RO plant has been completed. The maintenance contractor is still under contract so will be around for another year.
Loadshedding Suspended for RO Plant
After several meetings with Amatola Water a successful application was made to Eskom for this relief.
Water issues
Apart from the ongoing water issues that KOSRA reports on regularly, representatives from our committee also attend the Ndlambe Ratepayers Forum (NRF), a federation of all the Ratepayers Associations in Ndlambe.
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